Wednesday 30 April 2014

Roman Coutryside

Roman Countryside

Dressel 1 Amphorae
The Dressel 1 amphorae is the first Roman made amphorae in the 2nd century BC.  It is important in history because before this one, only the Greeks were producing it. The Greeks knew those methods of storing goods and practicing trade. This production of the Roman amphorae shows the begining of Rome takning part in the trading world and economy.  

Literary Evidences used from Terrenti Varronis' book

Stamped amphorae or any other type of epigraphic material can help us to reconstruct trade routes

In Etruria, it was possible to possess a Villa without being a pure Roman.

During the Augustin period, Villae were build out of brick and mortar. 

Hadrian's Villa shows us that the appearance and luxury became more important than just being a practical Villa. 

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