Friday 21 March 2014

2 Cases studies

Doing Archaeology

Two Case Studies (77 – 86)

a. Historical narratives means telling an event that occurred throughout history in a form of a story with narration. It could be also telling the story of someone's life. In this case, the author is concerned about Tacitus, a text about Roman and British conflicts.

 File:Roman Roads in Britannia.svg

d.Tacitus was a senator of the Roman Empire. He wrote two books called "The Histories" where he talks about the campaign Ostorius, and " The Annals". which is about the death of Augustus and its effect on empire. The Annals is also famous due to the presence of Jesus Christ's in some passages.

Case Study 2:

a. Carthage
b. The red point indicates Carthage

 c. List of deities:

-Ba'al Hamon
 Chief God of Carthage
-Tanit : Punic and Phoenician Goddess

-Saturn: Ancient Roman God

-Astarte: Reincarnation of Goddess Ishtar, she is worshiped by Syrians

d. Apuleius and Quovultdeus

Apuleius was a Latin language writer

 Quodvuldeus was a Church Father in Carthage.

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